Monday, July 16, 2007


I woke him up for work by singing the most annoying rendition of "Happy Birthday" known to man - which had us both laughing. The song continued while he was getting dressed for work and on the 15 min drive there. I drove him to work because I had to pick up a few things ... so as he got out of the car he laughed a bit, gave me a kiss before doing his cute emo sigh and saying "Ahhh babe you're awesome." Yeah. I love him :D

Libby had her first outdoor adventure the other day when I had mistakenly left a window open a bit too wide for her to get out. She was probably out roaming for a good 5 or more hours before she came leaping into the office window at like 1am. While we were on the front porch calling for her Keith and I saw the tiny corpse of a bird near the front step. Aww a gift! She likes us afterall!

We filmed a wedding on Friday night - and Keith is going to post it once he comes home from work since Bluehost changed their layout thingy and I have no idea how to do it now.

I'm also planning a Mean Girls video for sometime soon. I have a few songs in mind so of course its going to mostly be like a story telling type music video. Keith and I are also talking about upgrading my PC so that I can be a BAMF like him. One day kids, one day.

Keith's cake is cooling so I can slap some frosting on it. I even bought candles :D Its our first birthday together (Mine's not till October 6th -- but still!) so we're both all geeky giddy over it. Its just another moment in time for me to look back, sigh happily, and just be thankful that everything has worked out. I'm still waiting for the 'new' to wear off I guess. I keep thinking that sometime he's not going to dig me as much ... but then the more I think about it ... the more that thought makes me laugh.

I've been working on a new layout for my blog, while getting a DvD picture slideshow together for my family to ship back to the states as well as working on my video editing and overall trying to keep up with daily life. I'm reallllly lacking in the sleep department today and I'm totally feeling it. Erf.

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