"Where does he get those wonderful toys?"Jack Nickelson as The Joker once said that about Michael Keaton as Batman. As soon as I saw this thing .. that's immediately what I said. Out loud, no less. (its true I tend to talk out loud and make Bebop look at me and go "wtf?")
Bebop and I have a lot of really great creative friends. We also film a lot even though we rarely let most that footage see the light of day ^^; As many know my head gears (as small as they are) grind continuously with ideas for stuff. Yea that's the best way to describe it - stuff.
For the past year or so Bebop and I have been developing a character for a series which I won't name right now (and no its not cuz I don't have a name for it yet - GOSH) and have been filming. Our filming has picked up a whole lot lately due to our surroundings. We've recently had more leisure time in SL and have rekindled old friendships which have lead to new ones which makes for very fun times. I'm totally off topic.
We've been working on episodes for this series - and there is this badass thing that our main character uses. Its called a "Boomlash" and its simply the greatest thing I've probably ever played with in SL. WARNING: If you have a crappy graphics card or you lag - don't even bother because such things are really just a disgrace to this genious toy!
I started out taking pictures of it - then quickly said "Pft pictures don't do this thing justice - I must film!" So I did. I filmed me throwing the Boomlash - different angles to show you the intricate details - and just to show off the fun animations.
Mind you this thing isn't 'cheap'. If you want a Boomlash you're going to be dropping 2,000L - but seriously I've spent more on lesser things. It comes with a very detailed notecard to tell you how to use it - and its just damned entertaining and one of the best looking, best scripted, well thought out, flat out FUN things I've found in SL.
It does hit people and will knock them back about a meter or two - so it isn't a real 'weapon'. The fun part about the Boomlash is when you throw it at like .. the side of a building it STICKS and you can jump up on it and use it like a climbing thing. I know, descriptive right?
So without further adieu - here is the short video showcasing the Boomlash made by the very talented Anisa Naumova of Curious Relics.
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