Monday, March 12, 2007

Mkay. So on the 16th Keith and I head out for our 3 week vacation. The MIA dates are listed on the NSS site. But while we're gone I will have my laptop so we'll be able to blog, respond to e-mail and things of that nature. And when I say "we'll be able to blog" I mean "I". Just so that's clear.

I've had quite a few video ideas - and I plan to get going on those sometime in the very near future. As it stands right now Keith and I just don't have enough hours in the day in order to accomplish all the things we need to get done. I have a feeling that any little extra fun projects that I want to do will be getting done after we're back from leave.

And even though this is completely unrelated I just want to share this little quote thing:

Sometimes encouragement is bad. A huge majority of people can be lead to think they are cool - but in all actuality be the village idiot. Which are you? The idiot or the idiot's cheerleader? And who's truly the bigger idiot? The one who doesn't know better - or the one doing the coaxing?

I dunno .. just sometimes things arise that really make me stand back and analyze everyone and say "What .. the .. fuck". That ever happen to anyone else?

1 comment:

HeatherFev21 said...

You know, i've been wondering the same thing as your quote says lately, who do you pity more? the moron that KNOWS they are being a jerk, or the person that stands by and eggs them on, laughing with them, instead of at them like everyone else?

I think the answer is both need a good sporking. Yes, that is my answer to everything!