Weee! As we speak I am installing WoW onto my new laptop. Now Keith and I can finally play at the same time. And maybe now he will bow down to my awesomeness.
I haven't really kept up with SL or keeping up to date with posts in Appearance Mode, I feel kinda bad about all that - but right now I just really can't be asked ya know? I just moved to a new state .. I finally get to spend loads and loads of time with Keith .. I'm catching up on my reading and frankly such things simply don't interest me lately. Its like .. if Keith isn't involved I don't want to do it.
I have been continually reading up on my regular blogs. 'Course I read Willow's, Torley's, Six's and whatever other blogs I stumble across.
It seems Mr Charming has struck again. Quite pathetic of him, really. The difference is that when all that happened between he and I .. I had absolutely no feelings for him whatsoever other than he was just a dorky guy that I liked to talk to because we seemed a lot alike. For anyone who may read this: That guy is a chamelion. He will make himself seem like absolutely anything just to get you to like him. Then? Then he'll cheat on you with someone that he's 'friends' with. I was FAR from upset when he did it to me because as I said - it was a video game to me and he was just someone I liked to talk to. But at least one other time he's really hurt someone's feelings and it kind of bothers me. Anyway .. Willow just know that you aren't alone. Let him faff in peace, I suppose.
Well .. I am off to play some WoW and perhaps update more later. Sorry for the lack of updates and the boringness of them as well.
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