Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Lots to blog about - so forgive me if I seem rambunctious. I promise there is stability within the insanity aka: my post.

Right out of the gate: I'm engaged :) Now I have to tell the uber embarassing story that goes with it. I'm not sure why Keith and I can't do things the "normal" way and why we have to have so many "character filled" stories. Anyway ...

So I'm naked and getting out of the shower. Keith had laid some clothes out for me. Nothing all THAT strange, but it isn't a daily occurance. I thought nothing of it and grabbed my underwear and threw them on - and of course he grabs a pair of uncomfortable thongs and I go into detail about how "panties like this aren 't really meant to be worn all day long. I bought them to wear for short periods of time .. you know ..." So he laughs a little and tells me to get dressed. I grab a random t shirt and see that he's set a pair of jeans on the bed. By this time it was going on 10pm and I knew we weren't going anywhere. Soo I tossed the jeans on the chair and went to grab some sweatpants.

Keith went into mild hysterics and even yanked the sweats from my hand. Now THAT seemed a bit weird but I thought he was just being playful - and he's already said on numerous occasions that he'd rather see me in jeans than anything else. No big deal. "Fine babe I'll wear the jeans. No biggie just chill. GOSH" He sits down on the bed while I start to put a leg in my pants. Is it just me or do they feel heavy? Are those keys in my pocket? What the hell?

Its weird .. but you always know what a ring box feels like. I think they're designed to be easily recognized by minimal stimuli. I knew it was a ring box when my finger hit it. Now for those that know Keith - you know that he's a goofball. He's the kind of guy that will wrap a box inside a box inside a box just to giggle while you get frustrated opening it - only to find out that its a pair of socks. Yeahhh he's -that- kind of guy. Alright its a ring box. With Keith - nothing is *too* serious that there isn't a joke of some kind involved. I had thought the same here. I started laughing like crazy and handed him the box while I put my pants on. I figured there was some kind of joke to it.

I got my other leg in the pants and started to button them when I said something along the lines of "If there's a coupon for Chuck E Cheeze in that .... I swear to GOD" Then I looked over my shoulder and saw his face. Not only was it BEET red ... but he had this wounded look on his face. Immediately I felt like total shit. I messed it up. This was a REAL proposal and I ruined it! At that moment I just wanted to start bawling. Not ONLY because I was happy - but because I had completely wrecked something that he'd obviously planned out to some extent. I just kinda kept hugging him and apologizing for messing everything up. Then he started laughing and said "ya know I thought about putting a mood ring in there." SEE?!

So of course I said yes (duhhhh omg!) and we've already decided on a date. April 5th. For some reason Keith was hung up on this date. Weird - but whatever lol

Crap there was something else I was going to blog about but I forgot :(

Oh oh ring pic!

Sorry - this laptop doesn't have the best built in cam. Guess that's all!

Friday, January 26, 2007


I just have to blog this ... why? Whatever whatever. I do what I want. Its my hot random blog I do what I want.

So I was sleepy when Keith was. I laid down with him and cuddled until he passed out - then I krept out of bed and decided to dive into a few games over at NewGrounds. I was playing some random game when Keith sat STRAIGHT up and started flinging pillows everywhere yelling "Alright where is it?!" I giggled a little because it was obvious he was asleep. After he rooted through the pillows a second or two he flopped back down on the bed and returned to snoring.

Not even two full minutes passed that he rolled over and said "Oh I see. Just get me while I'm down." He was still out cold. Then he rolled back over and said "If you pat my butt it'll explode." Of course I started cracking up - and I'd swear I heard him giggle a time or two also. He's so funny! He says the most uncontrollable stuff while he's asleep. Makes me wonder sometimes what I say while I'm asleep. Does everyone talk while they are dreaming?

I spent almost all day yesterday browsing websites finding things for Keith and I to do this week end. I found a cigar lounge & piano bar that we're going to go to. Live music too :D And with some kind of luck there's a Renn Fare in Oklahoma City .. and Keith's never been to one so wee! I also learned that he's never been to a rodeo .. and March starts rodeo season muah ha haha. I gotta take him to a rodeo :) Also found a sushi bar so we're definitely hitting that place up. Keith and I both love sushi. The Commissary at the BX has a freaking sushi chef next to the deli! I forgot all about that! He stands back there and makes sushi fresh - packages it - and puts it in a case like where you'd buy your cut meats. When something sells out - he makes more. And he'll even make a package FOR you right then. Want tuna and he doesn't have any out? He'll whip it up! Want yours rolled inside out? He'll do it! Its insane, seriously. A sushi chef ... in Oklahoma ... on a military base ... in a grocery store! They don't even pay the people to carry out your groceries - but they'll hire a sushi chef?! W T F! lol

I think that's all for now ... 'course if Keith wakes up and says more random shit that's entertaining .. I'll update :D

Thursday, January 25, 2007

This laptop is so much fun. Laying in bed has a whole new level of appreciation with me. Its just fun for me to lay in bed and read blogs - or even type out a blog ... all those wasted years in a chair. What was I thinking! Laptops are the way to go.

I spent a few hours playing with this new layout and I really like it. Its more minimalistic than the other one - but still fun to look at. I've found a few mistakes I made in the HTML but I'll get it under control later.

I took a picture of the Crazy Cat Lady thing that Keith got me for Yule. A few people were in disbelief .. and a few just really wanted to see it and here it is:

Huzzah! God that's hilarious.

We're still working on the CF University gig. Its just been an unexpectedly long process because Keith is such a perfectionist about it. Everything has to be 'just so' - even though what he says is "Complete garbage" is actually really great.

What else? Not sure. Been talking to Dave on yahoo since I haven't talked to him in like .. a year. Laying in bed .. blogging and waiting for my honey to come home. And giggling about how he's going to comment on my "crazy cat lady hair" (i've been leaned back on pillows for a couple hours while I had pomade in my hair and now its going everywhere).

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Weee! As we speak I am installing WoW onto my new laptop. Now Keith and I can finally play at the same time. And maybe now he will bow down to my awesomeness.

I haven't really kept up with SL or keeping up to date with posts in Appearance Mode, I feel kinda bad about all that - but right now I just really can't be asked ya know? I just moved to a new state .. I finally get to spend loads and loads of time with Keith .. I'm catching up on my reading and frankly such things simply don't interest me lately. Its like .. if Keith isn't involved I don't want to do it.

I have been continually reading up on my regular blogs. 'Course I read Willow's, Torley's, Six's and whatever other blogs I stumble across.

It seems Mr Charming has struck again. Quite pathetic of him, really. The difference is that when all that happened between he and I .. I had absolutely no feelings for him whatsoever other than he was just a dorky guy that I liked to talk to because we seemed a lot alike. For anyone who may read this: That guy is a chamelion. He will make himself seem like absolutely anything just to get you to like him. Then? Then he'll cheat on you with someone that he's 'friends' with. I was FAR from upset when he did it to me because as I said - it was a video game to me and he was just someone I liked to talk to. But at least one other time he's really hurt someone's feelings and it kind of bothers me. Anyway .. Willow just know that you aren't alone. Let him faff in peace, I suppose.

Well .. I am off to play some WoW and perhaps update more later. Sorry for the lack of updates and the boringness of them as well.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Keith filmed for a couple hours yesterday for the CF University film - and I have to say he got a lot of great shots (even if he had to pluck a few trees out of the ground to get them ^^)

I'm still sick off and on. Earlier today I had a fever - but it went away sometime after 2pm. I'm still coughing and there's still a lot of sinus junk going on but it'll clear up eventually (I hope).

So far everything is going great between Keith and I. While he was filming I was busy wrapping a sheet around myself and making different styles of togas (Yes I know I'm a dork) and jumpin on the bed. He laughs and says I'm like a puppy because when he comes home from work I practically tackle him and start yipping. After he said that I threatened to pee - he got a laugh out of that.

I've been trying to keep up with blogs and whatnot I promise - but at the moment I'm just not 'feeling' it. I'm feverish and sick one minute - then I'm up hopping around the next.

OH! And Keith got me chocolate milk yesterday. It was great. :)

As far as SL Goes - if you're trying to reach me you'll have better luck relaying a message through Keith for the time being. I'll either go out of my way to get back to you - or I'll relay a messge through him back to you.
