Friday, December 22, 2006

Hurray its Friday! I've got quite a bit to do today, but its quite early of the morning so I have the ability to type my head off till I actually have to get motivated and get things done.

I had to purchase a bus ticket - and I leave tomorrow night. Even though I'm not exactly looking foward to riding a bus for 15 hours ... I'll still be there by Christmas. That was our big thing. We both really really wanted me to be there for Christmas. Keith and I have been together almost 2 years and we have never spent a holiday together. He was at my house on New Year's - but I had to work. So yeah. The bus part I'm not looking forward to - but everything else? Man as soon as I typed that I took this reflective sigh and just got this really goofy grin on my face. Even though I couldn't -see- the grin ... it just felt as if it looked goofy.

So all that stuff I packed? I have to re-pack it. I have to go through all that and weed out what is necessity and what isn't. This has been a little added pain in my ass ... but the ends meets the means. For the past week I've had to force myself to go to sleep. This kind of sensation gets lost when you 'grow up'. That harnessed excitement that you can't even express to anyone except to jump up and down and squeal "WEEeeEEEe!" This is how I remember feeling on Christmas Eve. That only lasted a day though - this has been almost a month-long. Its worn me out for the most part, but its still great.

I still have to wrap Keith's gifts which will only take me about 30 mins - but still that's just one more thing on my hectic to-do list. I should have already done it, but its somehow gotten overlooked. I randomly recall throughout the day that it has to be done, but it doesn't take presidence over everything else for some reason. I'll get them wrapped tonight.

After thinking about it - the whole bus thing kinda freaks me out. I'll have to be sure to bring a couple books so that I have plenty to keep myself occupied with. Most my trip will be spent here in Missouri so its not as if looking out the window will bring any kind of enjoyment as I've probably seen it before (don't get me wrong - Missouri is scenic in a lot of places). I'm only stopping at a couple cities - but I'm still excited about that. Not too keen on Kansas City, but from pictures it looks intimidating. So maybe I'll see something cool and I don't mean a bag lady or anything like that (Oh Gods please don't let me be confronted by a homeless person - I'm such a softie)

Keith just called and is now home from work - so I'm going to flirt with him for a bit before he passes out and then I'm off to get things accomplished. Not sure if I'll be back to blog before I head out on my journey - so if the bus explodes these will be my last words:

When it comes to discussing anime or video games - don't be a spoiler. Don't trade in your uber-geek points for a get out of jail free card.


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