The Noob Be Gone: Camera Tutorials has been finished for about .. a week. So far we've gotten such great feedback! I've yet to hear a negative comment about anything - though for a while I was afraid that my sense of humor would have folks thinking that I'm a ditzy air-head (which couldn't be further from the truth.)
We had started work on the second episode Noob Be Gone: Building before we'd even realeased the first, and things are going smoothly. I'm still combining things to update our site
We've been trying for over a year to find someone to donate some land that kept good frame rates with no success. Of course lots of offered to let us rent land. I guess they think we get paid for these things? People we're just as broke as the rest of you are. Neither of us run some emporium that sells all kinds of things to make a profit. Hell I spent a good year DJing just to save up and give to Keith for our first meeting. Back to the point ...
NSS has a lot of sponsors. Lost, Cubey Terra, Makaio Stygan, Neil Protagonist and LOTS more ... everything we have has been given to us out of generocity. Including the island, yes island we film on. Keith contacted Anshe Chung, who then had one of her represenatives talk to us. They donated an entire island - for free. Ya know - people can talk trash about SL residents. They can throw hissy fits over brilliant creations. They can even whine about all that RP mafia junk .. but the bottom line is: there are some downright caring, forward-thinking, creative, original, and overall cool people in SL.
In one post I talked about how Keith is so creative. He is. I talked about how I wished I had talent, I do. There are times I forget that a lot of his ideas are my ideas too. I forget that I mention things, we throw it around, and then make some form 'reality' out of a passing thought I had. I had sent a notecard to a designer, inviting her to be a sponsor. As I was trying to think of how to introduce myself Keith said "Well pft you're like the co-everything ya know". Until that point I hadn't thought I was. I thought I was just the little dorky cheerleader on the bottom of the pyramid. Now I see it as: I'm the overweight cheerleading coach that can't do the moves - but knows how they should be done. Wow that was a funny reference.
So yeah. Audio will be started this week-end for the second episode, and we've already got tons of ideas for other videos (which I won't mention!) I'm glad to see there are so many machinima enthusiasts in SL. It always suprises me how many people have actually seen something Keith and I have worked on.
The downside to all this is: a lot of people get the impression that I'm just the tag-along. People I'm not just a purple avatar. I didn't buy a 'voice pack' - that's MY voice uploaded into SL combined with triggers. I don't live some fantasy in SL to be something I can't be in RL. SL is just my outlet. Its my forum. It is my way of being able to express myself without having to take quite so many risks.
I mean take a movie for instance. Do you have ANY idea how much it costs to make a movie?! In SL - it only costs a one time fee of $10 (unless you have a free account - but it costed Keith and I $10). Not everyone can run around in a laytex suit with purple hair and that be acceptable. I did have purple hair at one time, though. I'm getting off point. The point is: If you don't want to deal with me tell me. Don't think that I'm not just as much a part of things that get done with NSS as Keith is. Don't assume that just because I make fart jokes that I can't be taken seriously. And don't think that if you talk to him on a seperate occasion that I won't know about it. Also? Don't blow me off just because you do think I'm this little 'tag-along' ... and then instead speak to him. Nothing bothers me more than when I talk to someone about NSS and get absolutely no response or feedback .. then they IM Keith and I'm like "yeah I talked to them earlier. they aren't interested" yet change your tune. Oh I'm not good enough to do business with, but he is? That just downright hurts.
I tried to gather people while Keith was in basic training. Of course I've had access to his account since before he left .. but I never used it until then. People would just refuse to talk to me. So I'd log out and log in as him and they'd talk to me until I couldn't type anymore. I just don't understand that. See? Now I've gone off on a rant. And that doesn't feel like happy!
So beyond all that - I'm glad that people have liked our flick. I'm elated that so many have watched it and learned something from it - even experienced players. That's what this series was all about: helping. With the influx of new players its hard for anyone to keep up with who knows what and to actually give the attention to someone that really does need the help. Most games come with an instruction book. SL is different. It doesn't. So I'll just look at our Noob Be Gone series as the instructional book to SL :) Except our manuals are easier to read, and our diagrams are a bit more in depth than "Insert slot A into slot B".
I think that's it for now. I have to go to my glorious job in the morning. One day I'll grow up and not have to work so hard for so little. I still plan to be the crazy old lady with 50 million cats though. Hey, everyone has to have goals!
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