Monday, March 31, 2008


The doctor at the military base says that's what I have. Vertigo. Actually he said it was Endolymphatic hydrops so I 'dumbed' it down.

I went to work for like 2 hours but was about to spew when I finally asked if someone could come work the rest of my shift. Saturday night on our way home from the hospital I barfed all in the car causing me to cry and apologize profusely to Keith.

I am still trucking on with my diet, though! Come hell or high water I intend to lose 100lbs in a year. I fully intended to start a REAL work out regime today - but that has taken a back seat to my complete lack of balance as well as hand-eye coordination.

Though most probably consider it boring - I also plan to continue vlogging - but again this will all wait until I have a decent amount of time to do so. With the brand new expensive ass camera Keith bought I plan to vlog outside my home as well as in.

Two paintings have been finished so far, and I'd really like to start another. For a while I was really embarassed of my 'childish' type art style that I've ALWAYS had, but after browsing some artwork I have decided that my style is actually more Pop Art than anything. No, it isn't 4 frames of Campbell's Soup - Oh sod it you'll see soon!

I'm sure it sounds as if not much is going on, but its quite the opposite. I have lots that I'd like to type up - but can't for a bit yet I think. I will just break to the quick questions though to keep folks from worrying:

I'm not pregnant.
Keith and I are doing VERY well
The cat is still alive
Our car works fine
Our front and back garden need mowed
My feet hurt but that's normal
No one we know has died
No one we know is dying
No one we know is getting divorced

I think that covers the big bases. I'll update with all the info I can WHEN I can. Hopefully that will be in vlog form .. this weekend maybe? Not sure yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Bum! Believe it or not, I do sometimes read yours and Keith's journals. I hope you're both doing well and I'm sure you looked amazing. And happy anniversary! (ish) and I'm happy you're both doing well.

Much love and adoration,